Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mitt Romney is Starting to Look Like Donald Moffat

Don't you think?


James Lambert said...

Is Donald Moffat the president in Clear and Present Danger? If he is, he immortalized the garbled intonation of "Well you're wrong!" that I often use on my kids.

Speaking of Mitt Romney and Donald Moffat, I like this lookalike game. Usually, the political lookalike game involves people whose looks also create a juxtaposition that provides commentary, like your Jeffs-Goebbels observation, or the Barak Obama-Joker from Batman one, which seems like a stretch. Don't get me started on my recent trip to Utah. At any rate, what is the commentary on Romney-Moffat?

Speaking of that, we had the ward campout this weekend and I kept your legacy alive by mentioning hostess donettes to every person I talked to. When I was eating Mike Gailey's dutch oven egg-sausage-mushroom thing (overachiever), I kept pounding my plastic fork on the wooden picnic benches demanding donettes.

humgrad said...

Yeah, Donald Moffat plays the president in Clear and Present Danger. So that means that Mitt Romney looks presidential. Or old. Or that his brows are getting furry.

I'll take an artificial, factory-conceived donette over something with mushrooms in it any day, but that's just my exceedingly unrefined palate talking.