Incidentally, I am still upset that Ken and Em divorced back in the mid-nineties; it cast a bitter cloud over part of my first-year college experience. KenandEm were the intellectual precursors of Brangelina; there was great hope for what their future artistic collaborations (and offspring) would accomplish. But alas, it was not to be. In spite of my disappointment, however, I still said "Kenneth Branagh" when we were asked in the MTC about who we would like to meet for dinner, if we could meet anyone in the world. As I listened to the other missionaries describe, in turn, whom they would like to meet, I soon realized that I was playing the game wrong; I was supposed to say Captain Moroni or Alma and Amulek or something, and I was suddenly filled with chagrin at not being more spiritually minded. I think I have repented since, but Branagh still makes the top ten.
Anyway, I realized last night that Joseph Goebbels looks like Warren Jeffs:

To be mentioned in the same sentence as A.O. Scott is like Ashton Kutcher being mentioned in the same sentence as Kenneth Branagh, who, to be sure, has made his fair share of duds.
Funny you should say that the Ken and Em divorce was devastating, because it was for me as well. It still is, especially when I rewatch Much Ado About Nothing and remark on their perfect chemistry. Branagh disappoints me as a director sometimes, but he is always good as an actor, and Emma Thompson should take the place of Meryl Streep for being the most reliable person on the big screen. Ken and Em were like the Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie pairing for the early 90s budding high school wannabe intellectual, I guess.
Kenneth Branagh, by the way, is directing a superhero movie about Thor, and it is getting early buzz. His last foray into action filmmaking delivered Frankenstien, which had five great scenes but those scenes were connected by 90 minutes of melodramatic nonsense. I heard his Love's Labour's Lost is terrible too, but I liked his recent "As You Like It," even if it runs a little ponderous at times.
Branagh has indeed made some duds, but he hadn't yet in the mid-90's when I was still hopeful about what future Ken and Em collaborations would produce. I heard bad things about Love's Labour's Lost, too. There's a Magic Flute film version that Branagh came out with in Europe like a year or two ago, but it's not available in the States, so I'm still trying to get my hands on it. Now I'm also going to try to see Thor.
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