Thursday, August 19, 2010

Joseph Goebbels Looks Like Warren Jeffs

So I was watching a fascinating documentary on Netflix (I took the plunge) last night, called "The Goebbels Experiment," about the notorious Nazi propagandist and Hitler loyalist. It is almost entirely composed of quotes from Goebbels's diary, with images of the things he describes, all narrated by Kenneth Branagh. I have not the talent of an A.O. Scott or a James Lambert to provide an appropriate review of the film, but I will say that it was interesting to watch and that I recommend it, difficult material though it broaches.

Incidentally, I am still upset that Ken and Em divorced back in the mid-nineties; it cast a bitter cloud over part of my first-year college experience. KenandEm were the intellectual precursors of Brangelina; there was great hope for what their future artistic collaborations (and offspring) would accomplish. But alas, it was not to be. In spite of my disappointment, however, I still said "Kenneth Branagh" when we were asked in the MTC about who we would like to meet for dinner, if we could meet anyone in the world. As I listened to the other missionaries describe, in turn, whom they would like to meet, I soon realized that I was playing the game wrong; I was supposed to say Captain Moroni or Alma and Amulek or something, and I was suddenly filled with chagrin at not being more spiritually minded. I think I have repented since, but Branagh still makes the top ten.

Anyway, I realized last night that Joseph Goebbels looks like Warren Jeffs:
